Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beautifully Free

I have been recently going through a new devotional this past week and it has been so amazing. There was one particular page that just blew me away. After reading this my eyes were opened and ever since I have seen myself in a new way. Here is a little from the devotional:

What does it mean to display the splendor of God? It means that we were created to have true beauty, inner beauty. It's sometimes easy to strive for outward beauty, because that's what the world wants, but God wants us to have true beauty.
This is the picture I get of my true beauty: I see my beauty radiating from the inside out. That when I love God with all my heart, soul, strength and mind (Matthew 22:37), it will naturally spill over to all my relationships and every area of my life. It's as if God's light and beauty is in my heart. And it is being pumped into every cell of my body, my brain, my muscles, and my organs through my bloodstream. And as long as God's Spirit is living inside of me, I will have that beauty radiating from the inside out. People will see the light in my eyes. They'll be drawn to the joy in my smile. And they'll want to find comfort in my friendship.

After reading this, I felt free. I ran and looked in the mirror and usually I automatically find somethings wrong with how I look, but this time I just saw a beautifully created girl, redeemed by the amazing grace of God, with a huge smile on her face. The next morning, getting ready for school was fun. I no longer had to deal with the hassle of trying to find clothes that looked good on me, but more so just picking out what looked cute and fun to wear. Lately, I have been striving to work on my inner beauty, which originates in my relationship with the beautiful Creator. It is a lot more satisfying let me tell you! I am so thankful for a wonderful God who makes me beautiful. It is crazy to know that with God, I can never be ugly. Now without pride or vanity, I am able to stand up to say......


Here are somethings that I found extremely beautiful this morning. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Feeling Like Beyonce ;)

Everyone knows that I love Beyonce so in honor of her here is my Countdown!


Only 10 more days til I'll be at College Group!
9 more days til I'll be stuffing my face at Thanksgiving
8 more hours until Generation Church tonight
7 cents left on my SPU points
6 more classes left til finals
Averaging 5 hours of sleep each night
4 new desserts added to the Gwinn Menu
3 more weeks til  Deck the Hall Ball and Brandon coming to visit
2 holes in my boots that I'm wearing.... wet feet...
1 happy girl with her life

Katt and I when we went to a pumpkin patch

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If I haven't said this enough.....

If I haven't said this enough, I really do love SPU. My life is filled here with some wonderful people. I truly appreciate the spontaneous bursts of joy that I experience here almost every day. I love my little Gwinn family, 2nd East, and all my new friends! Life is soo good! Another thing, I feel God's presence here and it the most amazing thing ever. Walking around campus, I feel like God has included me in His little secret and I am able to see the inner workings of how He is moving in SPU. I see creation, whether from the squirrels scampering about to the falling leaves dancing in the wind, and it sings God's praises. I witness my friends becoming closer to God and it spurs me to pursue Him more too! (Marshall I am so proud of you and I look up to you! Thank you for being such a great friend and keeping me accountable.) I hear God speaking through my PA when she encourages us and gives us advice. There is so much more, but I experience God's grace every day as I continue to constantly fail. -.- I just feel so blessed with this amazing life. I remember those depressing days just a couple of months ago when life was at its craziest. I would sometimes just lay there and cry wishing I was at SPU. Even though I lost so much this summer, God is faithful. He has brought me from those nights when I felt like I had nothing and was nothing to these days in Seattle where my feet are being warmed by the sun as I sit here typing about how glorious life is right now. I definitely would not say that I am completely over what happened this summer, but I am slowly getting there.
Enough with all the talking! Let me show you some glimpses of my day to day life here at the wonderful Seattle Pacific University.

After a night of dancing with friends :) We are thinking of going to a salsa club next!

I get to wake up to this tree every morning. It is so colorful and beautiful!

Sorry if this scared you, but this is my friend Marcella and me! I was Frida Kahlo. We are crazy together!

I love this class so much, but the book is SOO BORING! I cry a little every time I have to read it.

Landry looking adorable waiting for my friend to get back from her bed. 
One of the many food adventures with the amazing Landry! This time we went and had some amazing cupcakes from Cupcake Royal. Delicious let me tell you!

So this girl is freakin amazing and I love her so much. (even when she is sassy) This is us sending up our love cookies to the boys floor. They were enjoyed and devoured by my now good friend Chris. Crazy how things like these turn out. :)

And that's all folks! More blog posts to come soon. Don't worry ;)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Few of My Favorite Things

This is a list of people at SPU who continuously fill me with Joy:
(in no particular order)
-Shelby Spear
-Erin Pearce
-Marcella Weber
-Professor Davis
-Jason Jay
-Mariah McCarthy
-Landry Desmond
-Katt Holbrook
-Alyse Bradway
-Chris Vertefeuille
- Susan Haldeman
-Noelle Ciaciuch
If you are on the list, you are such a blessing in my life and have made it ten times better. I owe you so much because you have given me something priceless: your amazing friendship. You guys have my heart.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Sometimes we just need to be reminded of who God is. Today God reminded me of who HE is. On my wall I have a banner that has around 30, give or take, adjectives of who God is to ME. They fell down the other day, well more like I took them down in my sleep lol. I just hung them back up a little while ago and a couple of them stuck out to me. 
LARGER than my problems.....
The Lover of my Soul....
and My Loving Father......

 I just sat on my bed for awhile looking at those words and they resonated with me. At first they were just a cute little decoration, but now they are a daily reminder of just who God IS and what I am NOT. There is one thing that I definitely am though,  not worthy. 
So here is my challenge to YOU, yes you reader of this post, take a few minutes of today and think about or write down some adjectives of who God is to YOU! Trust me, it is worth it. 
Here are some pictures of the little banner. (sorry for the bad quality)